Impact Assessments

Marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

Marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are a fundamental requirement of any project in the marine sector. To ensure your project can progress and comply with regulations, you need to understand its potential impacts on the coastal environment.

At Partrac, our team of experts will support you with marine process assessments, working with you to mitigate your projects’ impact on the environment. Our approach is supported by our in

Marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

With strong relationships with regulators across the marine renewables, offshore wind and nuclear sectors, we can also represent you throughout the environmental consent process.

Whether you’re planning a project in a marine, coastal or estuarine environment, we can help. With our insight and experience as a guide, you can successfully progress your project from pre-consent to post-consent. 

Marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)


Let us guide you through this important planning process with services that include:

  • Environmental impact assessments (EIA)
  • Baseline assessment
  • Development of conceptual site models
  • Modelling and assessment of environment interaction and potential impacts on the physical environment
  • Physical processes
  • Seabed and sediment mobility assessments
  • Landfall stability analysis
  • Preparation of environmental statements
  • Input to Habitat Regulations Appraisals (HRA) and Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessment.
  • Regulator and stakeholder liaison
  • Subject area representation at DCO hearings
  • Foundation /cable scour, seabed mobility studies, and landfall stability analysis

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Founder & Technical Director

Founder & Technical Director