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Coastal Oceanography

To make the right decisions for your project, you need the right data. Robust data and expert guidance will help you plan for success.

Whether you’re working in offshore renewables, port and harbour construction, outfall installation, cables and dredging, or another sector, Partrac can help you get the information you need.

 We’re a leading provider of coastal surveys that deliver site-specific and regional data. Our team will work with you to understand your needs and deliver metocean campaigns, advice and solutions that are unique to your project.
Coastal Oceanography - Radio check

Our bespoke solutions will get you the data you need to make the right decisions for your project. We can capture information on the full range of metocean parameters including wind, waves, currents, and water levels, plus meteorological data such as air temperature and pressure.

Some of the world’s largest coastal developments rely on our data, expertise and advice. Together, we can increase the certainty of a more successful tomorrow. Let our experience guide you through.

Meta deployment


We can help you with oceanographic measurement including:

  • Wave buoy deployments
  • ADCP deployments (current velocity profiles)
  • Vessel mounted ADCP surveys
  • Dilution and circulation studies
  • CTD and water quality profiling
  • Seabed measurements (including grab sampling and shallow coring)
  • Tidal level monitoring
  • Water quality monitoring

We can also help with :

  • Oceanographic survey design, planning, and management
  • License applications
  • Survey scoping, analysis and critical advice

Contact our
specialists today

Founder & Operations Director

Founder & Operations Director